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About Nachala

Nachala organizes groups of young couples whose goal is to establish new communities in Judea and Samaria. Each group is composed of 15 - 25 families and they intend to settle the following locations (from north Samaria to south Judea): Aniam, Tirtza, Regev, Shalem, Eviatar, Nir Ya, Shacharit, Har Elisha, Yad Yair, Mevasseret Adomim, Ma'alot Halhul, Mitzpe Ziv and many more.


The movement aims at encouraging and helping the government to carry out an official plan of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir which laid foundations for 2 million Jews to settle in Judea and Samaria.


Nachala deals with Hassbara activities among youngsters and adults alike. The movement works with youth movements and encourages the young to take part in marches, in fund raising through "Hakupah Haleumit L'binyan Eretz Yisrael" (The National Fund for the Building of Eretz Yisrael), and in pioneering activities in new hilltops.


The movement was established by the most prominent leader of Gush Emunim Settlement Movement - Rabbi Moshe Levinger זצ"ל who together with Hanan Porat planted the seeds for 250 Jewish communities on the hills of Judea and Samria in which there live 600,000 Jews. Gush Emunim leaders got their inspiration from Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Hacohen Kook.


In the past 18 years Nachala is directing the pioneering activities on the hills with a clear emphasis on settlement activities following the guidance of Rabbi Kook who regarded the ingathering from the diaspora, the establishment of the State of Israel and its impressive achievements as a clear manifestation of the true vision of our Prophets

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