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History of Evyatar

A chronology of events since May 2001
(primary source for the following

Israel’s Supreme Court rejects Arab claims regarding Evyatar

15 August 2021

“the Israeli Supreme Court unanimously rejected a petition submitted by a group of Palestinian Arabs against the agreement between the government and the (former) residents of the Samarian town of Evyatar.”


Responding to the ruling, Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan said, “We took a significant step forward today with regard to the settlement of the town of Evyatar.

Swastika lit on fire near Jewish town in Samaria: Arabs from
Palestinian Authority town light Star of David, swastika, on fire.

15 August 2021

On the same day The Israeli Court rejected Arab claims to Evyatar (see above) Arabs rioted and lit a swastika-shaped fire in the Palestinian Authority of Beita, near the out-skirts of Evyatar.


Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan commented: "The continuation of these barbaric riots by the terrorists from Beita, and the force of the violent opposition funded by the Palestinian Authority, prove how much of a strategic location Evyatar is, and how important it is for the settlement.

Bennett government expected to legalize Samaria outpost
Evyatar; Defense Minister Gantz, PM expected to green light establishment of new town in Samaria after portion of Evyatar found to be state land.

12 October 2021

The Defense Ministry’s Civil Administration has found that 60 dunams (15 acres) of land in the Evyatar community is state land, making it eligible for state recognition.

Settlement leader: Minister's Anti-Zionist opinion will not
stand, Evyatar will be rebuilt; Daniella Weiss hopes Minister Michaeli's determination that 'Evyatar will not rise' won't be the one to determine the government's policy.

26 October 2021

In response Daniella Weiss commented: “people who live in Israel are supposed to care about Israel's interests are expressing themselves in such a way that harms, by definition, Israel's interests. When the settlements in Judea and Samaria began, there were positive consequences for the establishment of observatories in the Galilee, if only that could continue."

Bennett government expected to legalize Samaria outpostAG gives final approval to deal saving Samaria outpost. On last day in office, Attorney General Mandelblit approves deal to normalize status of Evyatar outpost, build new yeshiva.

12 October 2021

The Defense Ministry’s Civil Administration has found that 60 dunams (15 acres) of land in the Evyatar community is state land, making it eligible for state recognition.

Bennett government expected to legalize Samaria outpost
Evyatar; Defense Minister Gantz, PM expected to green light establishment of new town in Samaria after portion of Evyatar found to be state land.

2 February 2022

  • Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit signs on a deal reached last year to save Evyatar from demolition, instead converting the site into a Hesder Yeshiva.


  • Under the ‘Evyatar Compromise’, a deal reached between Defense Minister Benny Gantz (Blue and White), Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina), and settlement leaders with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s backing, the more than 50 families residing at the site voluntarily evacuated last summer.


  • In exchange the government promised not to demolish the outpost, and instead use it to house IDF soldiers.


  • A new yeshiva is slated to be built at Evyatar, with a residential neighborhood to be built at a later date.

Evyatar families celebrate Sukkot at Tapuah Junction
Evyatar residents, waiting over a year for the government to keep its promise for recognition, celebrate the Sukkot holiday at Tapuah Junction

11 October 2022

•    A year and a half after signing an agreement with the government, according to which a yeshiva would be established in Evyatar the families came to celebrate Sukkot at the nearby Tapuah Junction.

•    IDF forces and the Border Police did not allow the families to celebrate the holiday in Evyatar

•    Defense Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) is delaying the establishment of the yeshiva.

•    Daniela Weiss commented "We don't need to wait for more terrorist acts to return to Evyatar. Gantz must keep his promise. Sukkot will be held in the area."

•    Co-chairman of Nachala, Zvi Elimelech Sharaf, states, "The government made the commitment to establish the yeshiva in Evyatar immediately after the land survey. Benny Gantz did not keep his promise. We demand that the yeshiva be established immediately and the families re-settled there."

•    Hadar Bar Chai of Evyatar adds: "We came with our eight children from Avnei Eitan in the Golan, together with other Evyatar families, to celebrate Sukkot.We demand that the Israeli government fulfill its commitment and establish the yeshiva immediately, and allow us to celebrate Sukkot in Evyatar."

Rabbi Druckman: 'A promise was made regarding Evyatar,
and it wasn't kept' A year and a half after the residents of the Samaria outpost agreed to evacuate, the government has not held up its side of the agreement.

27 October 2022

•    Rabbi Druckman, "We received a promise regarding Evyatar, that was a year ago, and until now it hasn't been fulfilled; promises must be kept. That's the basics of man. Being trustworthy and keeping promises, and that is what we expect now, too."

•    Samaria Region Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Elaykim Levanon, Gantz promised that he will uphold his word. We agreed on this promise, and the people of Evyatar left with consent, and it was a terrible sacrifice. We trusted his word, I personally feel insulted when a public figure says something and doesn't stand behind it. For a year he's made us come and go, and he hasn't stood by his word, it's personally offensive, it's offensive to the Nation of Israel and offensive to Evyatar. I expect that the current Defense Minister or whoever succeeds him, keep his promise."

•    Daniela Weiss mentioned something that Gantz had said during one of their meetings: During a meeting between Rabbi Levanon, Tzvi Elimelech, Yossi Dagan, and the Defense Minister, the matter of Evyatar's strategic position was raised. the Defense Minister said “if Evyatar has top strategic importance, there's no sense in keeping the place unprotected.” Thank G-d the army is there, but we pulled 53 families out of there, it has come time we build a glorious town there."

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