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Evyatar Return Updated 14 Tammuz 5783 / 3 July 2023

Israelis Return to Evyatar: “We're here to stay”

Thousands gathered in Evyatar following the 20 June 2023 terror attack resulting in the murder of four Israeli civilians: Nahman Mordoff, 17, Elisha Anteman, 18, Harel Masood, 21, and Ofer Fairman, 63, (HY”D); and the wounding four.

     Only a few hours after the terror attack individuals from the Nachala Settlement Movement and the Shomron Regional Council began to re-establish the community. Zionist pioneers worked to set up shelters, renovate existing homes, and plow the land.

     Yossi Dagan, head of the Shomron Regional Council, stated “Evyatar is legal seeing that the Israeli government signed an agreement for it. We’re in Evyatar to stay,"

     Tzvi Elimelech Sharbaf, a leader in The Nachala Movement added "The government must initiate a broad settlement plan, not due to the fact Jews were murdered, but because we need to establish 10 new settlements in Historic Israel starting today,"

     Members of the Religious Zionist, Otzma Yehudit, and Likud parties, including Simcha Rothman, Ariel Kallner, Zvi Sukkot, and Limor Son Har-Melech, visited Evyatar with more Knesset members expected.

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